“Anything else you’re interested in is not going to happen if you can’t breathe the air and drink the water. Don’t sit this one out. Do something. You are by accident of fate alive at an absolutely critical moment in the history of our planet.” — Carl Sagan
Name | Description | Link |
IRIS+ (GIIN, Global Impact Investing Network | The (free) IRIS+ system helps dedicated impact investors to integrate social and environmental factors into investment decisions alongside risk and return. The set of metrics / framework IRIS+ entails focuses on increasing data clarity and comparability, and it provides streamlined, practical, how-to guidance. | https://iris.thegiin.org/ |
Nesta impact measurement | https://media.nesta.org.uk/documents/impact_measurement_in_impact_investing.pdf | |
Impact management project (IMP) | Originally developed as part of / by Bridges Fund Management, now a free-standing impact-focused research and framework organization | https://impactmanagementproject.com/ |
Impact-Financial Integration (also IMP) | Framework to re-integrate impact considerations and measurement into the financial considerations of investors; ideas discussed include: impact-risk-adjusted financial returns and expected impact ratings | https://29kjwb3armds2g3gi4lq2sx1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/Impact-Frontiers-Impact-Financial-Integration-A-Handbook-for-Investors-Updated-July-14-2020.pdf |
Bruegel 'Sustainable Finance Framework' | Early guidelines and qualitative 'framework' (from 2017), focused on development context, to rethink investing towards a long-term, impact-focused way | https://www.bruegel.org/comment/investing-common-good-sustainable-finance-framework |
Impact Multiple of Money (Rise Fund) | Developed with with Y Analytics and Bridgespan, The Rise Fund (set up in SF in 2016 by buyout firm TPG) created a methodology to assess potential impact of an investment ex-ante | https://therisefund.com/measurement |
The Impact Score (UVC Partners) | Developed criteria and qualitative standards which define when an investment may present a sustainability risk. Against that background, every Startup is evaluated against the 17 SDGs and a scoring between -2 (very negative impact) and +2 (very positive impact) is given where applicable | https://www.uvcpartners.com/sfdr |
The Science Based Targets Initiative | https://sciencebasedtargets.org/ | |
Tech Zero | Initiative launched by Tech Nation bringing together UK Tech Companies working to tackle the Climate Crisis | https://techzero.technation.io/ |
SDG Impact Assessment Tool | The SDG Impact Assessment Tool was developed by Wexsus - West Sweden Nexus for Sustainable Development (former Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development), at Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg, in collaboration with SDSN Northern Europe and Mistra Carbon Exit, and with financial support from Region Västra Götaland through the Maritime Cluster of West Sweden. | https://sdgimpactassessmenttool.org/en-gb/articles/resources |